#Refund Policy
1#This facility is an attempt to help patients to book appointment online easily from their home in order to save their time.
2#You have to visit the hospital so that doctor can discharge his/her service to patient. In case the doctor you choose is not avaialble at hospital then the other doctor available at his/her place will check the patient.
3#There must not be any kind of dispute if the doctor to whom you want to consult is not available and the orthe rdoctor who is available at his place will check you and give you treatment. No amount is refundable in such scnarios. You cant delay your appointment on next day when doctor is available in such scnarios.
4#Fees is refundable in case of non-consultation. It is the scnario where patient fails to connect with doctor when no doctor is available at hospital. In case one doctor is not avaialble we will make sure that the other doctor must be there at hospital so that patient can get his treatment on time. If patient fails to consult doctor because of his/her personal circumstances then fees will not get refunded, it will be not the hospital responsibility.
5#If patient fail to visit hospital on time then fees will not get refunded.
6#if doctor fail to check patient on time then patient if he/she is handling emergency case or operation then patient have to wait for doctor for consultation, if patient leave premisis for this reason then the payment is not refundable. This facility is not acommitement or agreement to discharge the service by doctor to patient on his selected time and by his selected doctor. However we try our best that the selected doctor only will check patient and on time, but as it is a hospital and medical emergency chances are high so we are commited to handle emergency case first.
7#A user can cancel booking only within 60minutes of booking and for cancellation he has to contact at reception(0744-2790001, 0744-2790002, 0744-2790003) and if he/she fullfill this condition only then he will get the full refund. If a user want to cacncel appointment after 60-minutes then no refund will be initiated